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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 10, 2020

Official Do I Like Tractors And Cows And Maybe 3 People Shirt

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 They'll never get the  Do I Like Tractors And Cows And Maybe 3 People Shirt shout out they deserve, but the Systems teams for WDAS/Pixar are heroes. You guys have to understand that almost no-one was working from home before the pandemic. Systems got critical teams up and running within weeks, built up the bandwidth, and had everyone up and running in about a month. They must have been working crazy hours, nonstop to pull it off. An absolutely amazing effort. Definitely, the animator machines are quite powerful and many run red hat - they normally require a pretty high-speed connection as all their work is pushed onto the local server where they can manage their shots. Buy it: Do I Like Tractors And Cows And Maybe 3 People Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Happy Drunk Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt

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 Heard from an artist at WDAS that  Drunk Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt this film was mostly done with the team working (and animating) from home! They've been using Zoom and GSuite heavily and only a select number of people came into the offices occasionally for things such as reviewing shots. Makes sense, it was originally slated for next month and Disney is usually pretty good about keeping their projects on time (for better or for worse). Just for reference, talking to the same person in mid-September they were still animating and FX and lighting were still working on the movie. it does seem like they were still working as if it was still originally to be released on November. Buy it: Drunk Boston Terrier And Hipper Girl On A Dark Desert Highway Cool Wind In My Hair Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Beauty Flower Am A Simple Man I Like Boobs And Playing Cornhole Shirt

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 It's strange to think this was once  Flower Am A Simple Man I Like Boobs And Playing Cornhole Shirt gonna come out in November, what is now just a few weeks away. Now I don't even think March is gonna happen. I read a review of it once that basically said "It's not a wildly intelligent or complicated movie, but poker is fun and you can tell the cast is having a great time" and I've never read a more accurate movie description. Such a good movie haha. It pokes fun at the whole Western Genre while still being true enough to it that it's all good fun. Man, that last sentence reads so much more threatening than I think you meant it.  Buy it: Flower Am A Simple Man I Like Boobs And Playing Cornhole Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Love Make On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Black Cat Drink Hot Chocolate Christmas Shirt

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Same "policy" as my office. People  Make On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Black Cat Drink Hot Chocolate Christmas Shirt wear a mask to get into the building, go up the elevator, sit at your desk, and take their mask off. It's ridiculous. I'm the only one that wears a mask the entire time I'm there.  Yeah, there is nothing to suggest things will change in any drastic way in the first quarter of 2021. We're lucky if we get anywhere close to a normal summer season for movies. I completely agree, at this point, the entire movie theater industry is off their rocker thinking this is just gonna blow over in a few months. A lot of people have been saying that since March 2020 and still claiming it's all a hoax.  Buy it: Make On The Naughty List And I Regret Nothing Black Cat Drink Hot Chocolate Christmas Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Very Small Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt

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 The yoga studio down the  Small Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt street from me has let up their property for lease and evacuated everything from the building, yet their classes are currently on discount online. Dude all of the yoga classes, and especially the hot yoga classes, around me, are still open and only require masks before and after. Like sure it’s totally a great idea to have 20 people in a small, hot room, barely standing apart, huffing and puffing with no masks. 20 people in a small, hot room, barely standing apart, huffing and puffing with no masks. I gotta admit when I heard "hot yoga," that wasn't what I had in mind. Buy it: Small Dragon Touch My Cup Of Tea I Will Slap You So Hard Even Google Won’t Be Able To Find You Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt   

Have Couple I’m The Geeky Elf Christmas Shirt

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 It was plenty visible and more  Couple I’m The Geeky Elf Christmas Shirt widespread. White Americans, in general, were totally on board with racism for a very, very long time. And in regards to history repeating itself, you have to keep in mind, many people that were protesting against the passage of the Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act, and against integration are still alive today. A 15-year-old in 1960 is 75 years old now. So some of this support for racism has always been here. They just were quieter about it because they knew it wasn't socially acceptable. They've passed that way of thinking onto their kids and grandkids. Buy it: Couple I’m The Geeky Elf Christmas Shirt   HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Cloudy Gumer I’m The Flying Elf Christmas Shirt

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 I had no idea about  Gumer I’m The Flying Elf Christmas Shirt Black Wall Street and its destruction at the hands of white supremacist domestic terrorists until I saw it in the Watchmen TV series. Even then, I thought it was some alt-history that served as a divergent point between their history and ours like how the US won the Vietnam War in the graphic novel. I only realized it was a real thing that happened when I looked into it more. There is a LOT of context in history about why race relations in this country are so bad even today and the really critical stuff is conspicuously absent from US history classes. Buy it: Gumer I’m The Flying Elf Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Post Do Santa Dabbing Christmas 2020 Shirt

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 In that chart, you'll also  Do Santa Dabbing Christmas 2020 Shirt see something called the Tulsa Race Riots. Tulsa was considered Black Wall Street at that time. It was an incredibly prosperous black community and that rubbed a lot of hick rednecks the wrong way. The phrase "race riots" makes it sound like it was more two-sided than it actually was. Let me be clear on this - Tulsa was absolutely destroyed by white supremacists; it was a massacre. Tulsa is very likely the first city in US history to have been bombed by air. Angry white people flew over the town in cropdusters and dropped bombs. That's how one-sided and brutal it was. Buy it: Do Santa Dabbing Christmas 2020 Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Many Boom Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shirt

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 The Nazis actually learned a  Boom Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shir t thing or two about racism from the US. They saw and studied how we treated black people in this country and borrowed a ton of that to effectively suppress Jews in their own country. Not to mention the fact that anti-Semitism was also huge in the US around that time. Not that it doesn't still exist in some capacity, but it was a lot more prevalent back then. To expand on this topic, here's another thing you likely didn't learn in school. You know about all those conservative statues you keep hearing about? The significant majority of them weren't created until well after the end of the.  Buy it: Boom Grateful Dead Bear Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Thick Feel O And Joe’s Est 2008 Cage Co Who Built The Cages We Did Shirt

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 Oh, interesting! Racism in the US  Feel O And Joe’s Est 2008 Cage Co Who Built The Cages We Did Shirt really has been present for a very long time. It’s probably just something that wasn’t as visible as it is today and the Swastikas are one of the symptoms? Something I just looked up: mere 13 years of mainstream propaganda was between that failed artist‘s pamphlet and the Kristallnacht. That doesn’t mean that history has to repeat itself, but if it does, it doesn’t need a lot of time. There is a LOT of context in history about why race relations in this country are so bad even today and the really critical stuff is conspicuously absent from US history classes.  Buy it: Feel O And Joe’s Est 2008 Cage Co Who Built The Cages We Did Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

That Fun Ironworkers Local 433 La Ca Live Better Work Union Reaper Shirt

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 It’s so weird anyway. They were  Fun Ironworkers Local 433 La Ca Live Better Work Union Reaper Shirt defeated – by the US – and vanished from the face of the earth. And now, somehow, some people from the US think that Nazis are completely legit or something? You can’t get more openly racist than that. There were nazi rallies and demonstrations in America in the 1930s. Propaganda's cognitive dissonance susceptibility to influence can have horrific results. It’s depressing how easily some can be swayed. Look at Trump supporters. Trump is ruining America and they can’t point to a single policy or accomplishment they like him for yet they support him blindly. Its madness.  Buy it: Fun Ironworkers Local 433 La Ca Live Better Work Union Reaper Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Just Home Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt

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 "What if we just let A cut off your  Just Home Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt ears? That way he gets a little of the aggression out and you don't have to listen to him anymore? Win-Win." I am much more moderate myself, but the idea that some of these things are considered just a "political opinion" is asinine. A political opinion is where you think taxes should be spent (and even that has issues sometimes). Not who is considered human or not. Tolerance of intolerance is itself. The cornerstone of Enlightened Centrism seems to be "the appearance of civility is more important than morals or ethics."  Buy it: Just Home Never Underestimate A Woman Who Loves Cats And Was Born In December Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Hand How The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt

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 I’ve had people defend the  How The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt Charlottesville Nazis by saying the Dr. King had extremists with him. They compared Dr. King and his allies to the Nazis. Omg this. Fucking centrist asshats telling me to find common ground with someone whose position is that I "should be painfully murdered for being born this way". Some things don't have a middle ground and refusing to accept 'light' murder as a compromise doesn't make me equally shitty. There is literally a guy in another comment thread saying almost exactly this unironically.  Buy it: How The Grinch Six Feet People Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Official It Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt

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 I actually would like to live  It Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt in a world where the idea of someone unequivocally adhering to nazi ideology is so absurd that if you saw someone walking around in full SS uniform you'd think they're just some history nerd. Lemmy (of Motorhead) liked ss uniforms and was sometimes labeled as a nazi because of it, but he specifically said he just really likes the fashion of it and he also was quite the history nerd. If we'd all live in a world full of Lemmys, the world would be a much better place. Does the Earth have enough alcohol supply potential to even keep a world full of Lemmy's? Is it physically possible for such a thing? Buy it: It Ross Geller I’m Fine Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Live Kick I’m The Blonde Witch Matching Halloween Shirt

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 That’s kinda where the electoral  Kick I’m The Blonde Witch Matching Halloween Shirt college really burns, it’s not even just one small margin, imagine a few small margins in a few swing states. The more on that line the more the orange jackass will make the rest of us suffer. Unless of course, they’re in his favor. I know Trump is going to declare victory at some absurdly early time, probably to dissuade people from standing in the lines. This needs to be told to everyone everywhere. There is no way he won't do this. Just like the trade wars, steel tariffs, killing SALT deductions (looking at you suburban Republicans). Buy it: Kick I’m The Blonde Witch Matching Halloween Shirt   HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Like Official Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt

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This is what everyone should  Official Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt be worried about, but any time you try to bring up how this election is very likely to be fraudulent you're likely to get shouted down by people on here claiming you're only bringing it up to discourage people from voting I 100% voted for Biden even in a very, VERY safe red state, but no one should expect this election to go smoothly. It really all depends on turnout. If Biden wins by a small margin, it will be a very sketchy November. I still lose sleep over the ~500 votes in Florida in 2000 that forever altered history. The thought of losing this election over a few hundred votes is terrifying.  Buy it: Official Snoopy And Woodstock Gimme The Beat And Free My Soul I Wanna Get Lost In Your Rock And Roll Shirt   HOME:  WEATHERTEES

How Pink I’m Not Angry This Is Just My Viking Face Norwegian Flag Shirt

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I’m worried about more  Pink I’m Not Angry This Is Just My Viking Face Norwegian Flag Shirt weirdness in Palm Beach and Broward counties. Both strong democratic but that’s a great place to flip votes in statewide elections without people noticing and both have had issues in every presidential/ major election since Bush v. Gore. Both consistently have been way off from exit polls as well. Excellent. This vote-flipping scam has also been used in several Ohio voting districts or precincts or whatever they're called. so, yes, I'm worried too, but if somehow Dems do take command, it wd be all over. Remember, back in 2004, when a precinct in Gahanna (a Columbus OH suburb) went 41% for Kerry and 667% for Bush?  Buy it: Pink I’m Not Angry This Is Just My Viking Face Norwegian Flag Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Red Run Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt

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 I'll let those that can't vote  Run Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt on election day have shorter lines for early voting. I don't care if it's eight hours on election day, I'm voting. I have the flexibility to make that happen. Edit: thanks for the gold, kind stranger. For others: this is a position of privilege that I have. If you don't have the flexibility to wait all day on election day to vote like I do, vote when you can. You are who I am doing this for. Same as NC, where I'm going to vote for Joe on election day. Gold the opposite would be better. Vote early so lines are short on election night. Buy it: Run Donald Trump Among Us Kinda Sus Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Frist Winner Oh The Virus Outside Is Frightful But This Wine Is So Delightful And Since We’ve No Place To Go Let It Flow Christmas Shirt

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 He then mentioned  Winner Oh The Virus Outside Is Frightful But This Wine Is So Delightful And Since We’ve No Place To Go Let It Flow Christmas Shirt Florida’s policy of counting mail-in votes as they are received, meaning that the state could offer some clarity on Election Day once polls are closed. “I won’t have to wait for the results,” Obama said. “I want to go to sleep knowing we’re going to have a president fighting on our behalf.” That was exactly my thought. Florida is not only Eastern Time, but also counts votes as they return, which may mean that by 11:00 pm 75% of the vote may be available to Election Night viewers. Which also means the networks might call it by mid-night . And if Dems win here, it's indeed all over for Trump. Buy it: Winner Oh The Virus Outside Is Frightful But This Wine Is So Delightful And Since We’ve No Place To Go Let It Flow Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Hold Yep Dear Santa Just Bring Wine Christmas Shirt

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Debate/discuss/argue the  Yep Dear Santa Just Bring Wine Christmas Shirt merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban.If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Buy it: Yep Dear Santa Just Bring Wine Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Good Give Nurse Life Llama Mask 2020 Nope Nope Yep Shirt

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 In a society of laws, you would  Give Nurse Life Llama Mask 2020 Nope Nope Yep Shirt be protected if you wanted to peacefully protest or make your views heard that people are being insensitive. Once you start responding with violence, intimidation, and murder though those laws don't apply. Personally, I don't mind if they boycott or complain, that's their right. Once they start to condone or turn the other cheek when it comes to violence and murder though they are part of the problem. Silence is murder. I think you've seen on social media just how many "moderates" there are who think murder is an acceptable response. Not only that, you've got entire nation-states coming out saying it's acceptable. Basically, an act of war at this point if that's your response. Buy it: Give Nurse Life Llama Mask 2020 Nope Nope Yep Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Official Header Papa Claus Merry Christmas Shirt

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 It's not really a paradox...it's  Header Papa Claus Merry Christmas Shirt only a paradox if you speak in absolutes and literally, no one is when they talk about tolerance. Like of course there's a limit. You'd have to be intentionally obtuse to see it any other way. The key there is "without limit". The lesson to learn isn't to go be intolerant of any and all intolerance. For society to work, we pretty much need to be as tolerant as possible. The lesson to learn is where are the limits, but that is a super complex and nuanced thing that gets drowned out. The answer is that intolerance cannot be tolerated. It's antithetical to the mission statement and makes tolerance meaningless. Buy it: Header Papa Claus Merry Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Look Hi Santa Chihuahua Dog Merry Christmas Shirt

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 French hashtags  Hi Santa Chihuahua Dog Merry Christmas Shirt trending on Twitter have been brigaded by extreme Islamist sentiment all week. #BoycottFrenchProducts obviously enough, but even ostensible Covid ones like #Macron20H (a tag for his address to the nation on lockdowns) got brigaded. Of course, Twitter being the internet one expects the usual unhinged quotient but holy shit the sheer extent and depth of violent hatred and calls for vengeance following Macron's statements about Islamism was something I just wasn't prepared for. This wasn't coming from a handful of isolated Muslim extremists in Madrassas in Pakistan. It was kind of shocking to see it first hand. Buy it: Hi Santa Chihuahua Dog Merry Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Beat How Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Pajamas Holidays Shirt

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 French hashtags trending on Twitter How Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Pajamas Holidays Shirt have been brigaded by extreme Islamist sentiment all week. #BoycottFrenchProducts obviously enough, but even ostensible Covid ones like #Macron20H (a tag for his address to the nation on lockdowns) got brigaded. Of course, Twitter being the internet one expects the usual unhinged quotient but holy shit the sheer extent and depth of violent hatred and calls for vengeance following Macron's statements about Islamism was something I just wasn't prepared for. An unshakable and all-encompassing fundamentalist view of Islam is what is wrong with these people. Any other answer put forward is obfuscation. Buy it: How Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Pajamas Holidays Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Make Live I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1d Christmas Shirt

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 Non-religious newspaper makes  Live I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1d Christmas Shirt cartoon Jihadist come and shoot up newspaper History teacher tells about attack Jihadist come and behead teacher President says France will never surrender secular freedoms Boycott France and still keep beheading & attacking people These monsters literally live by the motto of "do as I tell you to do or else I'll harm you" even if you are not a part of their religion or beliefs. Truly sad and sickening. Don‘t forget that time Erdogan sued a comedian for a poem and jailed a journalist who tried to explain satire. Who could have thunk that this maybe send the wrong message? Buy it: Live I’m The Sweet Elf I Have T1d Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Full Kill Santa Yorkshire Terrier Merry Christmas Shirt

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It is in food engineering Kill Santa Yorkshire Terrier Merry Christmas Shirt , I came to develop a simulation about the drying process of a south American root. Here they have the expertise about this kind of simulation, and some equipment we don't have in my country, to measure shrinkage, rugosity, see it in a special microscope, etc. very precisely. Well, the simulation will continue to be developed, but the experimental part will have to wait a little more... Random American here. What's life like right now as a foreigner in a new country? Especially with this going on. Buy it: Kill Santa Yorkshire Terrier Merry Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Feel Love Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt

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 On the other hand, when  Love Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt I've witnessed animals killed with the Halal method, I thought there was some sort of consciousness. Once when I saw an animal's throat sliced, the handler accidentally (?) hit him on the testicles and there was a violent and intent kick from the animal. There was certainly a visible effort to breathe and blink and bleat. I'm not sure why though, I've read that slicing the carotid would have cut off the blood supply and should have made it fall into unconsciousness. But the Halal executed animal seemed very much alive and conscious for around 3 minutes. Buy it: Love Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Toilet Paper Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Make Mama Santa Pug Merry Christmas Shirt

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 But the impact of the blade on  Mama Santa Pug Merry Christmas Shirt the back of the neck and the subsequent severing should knock you out immediately without any lag. Don't take my word for it though, I've only read it here and there. I've witnessed many animal decapitations. I've seen the animal bodies spasming and kicking after being decapitated, with a quick-strike method, for around a minute, but the head is almost never moving. Except maybe some contraction in the neck where the cut is made but nothing that would suggest much consciousness.  Buy it: Mama Santa Pug Merry Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Friend May I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt

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 It depends really. A quick  May I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt chop from above the neck is supposed to be rather painless for the victim. But the Halal method of slicing slowing starting from the front of the neck is one of the worst methods to die. But how long does your head stay conscious lying on the ground watching everyone’s feet dancing around your lifeless body? Probably just a second or 2 but I imagine that’s absolutely terrifying. No idea. There was this story about a guillotined man's head continuing to blink 15 seconds after decapitation as instructed by his friend. But there's a high chance that was just spasm since he must have started blinking moments before the blade hit his neck. Buy it: May I Back The Red For My Wife Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Till Post Reindeer Face Mask 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Merry Christmas Shirt

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 I've heard drowning is not the  Post Reindeer Face Mask 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Merry Christmas Shirt  worst way to go after the initial terror goes away. Not sure how to someone could say that tbh lol. I like to believe it cuz of a friend I had who drowned when I was 13. Like, don't get me wrong, waterboarding is torture for a reason but after your lungs get moist and wet I think you just relax and wait for the bye-bye man until you become fishy foods. I was like... Uhhh what movie??? Then I remembered that 'bye-bye man' was a movie and not some dumb shit I read online a while ago! Oops!! I guess I'll edit it cuz I didn't mean to talk about that dumb movie, more just like a dumb personification of death.  Buy it: Post Reindeer Face Mask 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Merry Christmas Shirt  HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Lucky Queen Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Reindeer Toilet Paper Shirt

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 I’ve seen a liveleak video  Queen Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Reindeer Toilet Paper Shirt of public beheading via knife, it seemed awful. It was slicing back and forth and took multiple seconds. That’s a massive difference from being sliced off quickly. Decapitation is just morbid and barbaric. Doing it with a knife is batshit crazy. Doing it in public, your pretty fucked up person and shouldn't be with other humans. I mean You’ll literally be blown to mince and look like gum under a New York subway seat but at least it’ll be faster than a sick bastard beheading you.  Damn. I believe that's not the official policy though. Still a good idea to carry an extra bullet when fighting terrorists. Buy it: Queen Quarantine Christmas 2020 Xmas Reindeer Toilet Paper Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Hund Need Bowling In November We Wear Blue Diabetes Awareness Shirt

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 People whose children or family  Need Bowling In November We Wear Blue Diabetes Awareness Shirt members have been murdered do not even behead the person who did it. Never even heard of one beheading caused by that. The only other beheading I've heard of was a legit crazy guy on a bus in Canada. Now there are two in France over the same cartoon and multiple other deaths. Wait... did you say Cartoon..? I mean its text I know you said cartoon but can you fill me in real quick? I haven't been keeping up with my foreign horror stories but this seems next level, now. I mean, one level past the beheading level of wtfisgoingon. Buy it: Need Bowling In November We Wear Blue Diabetes Awareness Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Indie Of My Broom Broke So Now I’m A Nurse Halloween Shirt

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 People whose children or family  Of My Broom Broke So Now I’m A Nurse Halloween Shirt members have been murdered do not even behead the person who did it. Never even heard of one beheading caused by that. The only other beheading I've heard of was a legit crazy guy on a bus in Canada. Now there are two in France over the same cartoon and multiple other deaths. Wait... did you say Cartoon..? I mean it's the text I know you said cartoon but can you fill me in real quick? I haven't been keeping up with my foreign horror stories but this seems next level fucked, now. I mean, one level past the beheading level of wtfisgoingon.  Buy it: Of My Broom Broke So Now I’m A Nurse Halloween Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Have Red Dixie Boy Truck Stop Open 24 7 Diesel Service Vintage Shirt

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 Following the publication of the image above Red Dixie Boy Truck Stop Open 24 7 Diesel Service Vintage Shirt , in which the most cherished figures from multiple religious faiths were depicted engaging in a lascivious sex act of considerable depravity, no one was murdered, beaten, or had their lives threatened, sources reported Thursday. The image of the Hebrew prophet Moses high-fiving Jesus Christ as both are having their erect penises vigorously masturbated by Ganesha, all while the Hindu deity anally penetrates Buddha with his fist, reportedly went online at 6:45 p.m. EDT, after which not a single bomb threat was made against the organization responsible, nor did the person who created the cartoon go home fearing for his life in any way. Though some members of the Jewish, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist faiths were reportedly offended by the image, sources confirmed that upon seeing it, they simply shook their heads, rolled their eyes, and continued on with their day. Buy it:...

The Thief A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs Chihuahuas Shirt

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 Users often report submissions  Thief A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs Chihuahuas Shirt from this site and ask us to ban it for sensationalized articles. At r/worldnews, we oppose blanket banning any news source. Readers have a responsibility to be skeptical, check sources, and comment on any flaws. You can help improve this thread by linking to media that verifies or questions this article's claims. Your link could help readers better understand this issue. If you do find evidence that this article or its title is false or misleading, contact the moderators who will review it I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. Buy it: Thief A Woman Cannot Survive On Wine Alone She Also Needs Chihuahuas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Big Happy Santa French Bulldog Merry Christmas Shirt

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  I can't tell you the number  Happy Santa French Bulldog Merry Christmas Shirt of bars and restaurants here in NYS that got liquor licenses revoked for not complying. Don't look to me for sympathy fr though. I live in Ottawa, Ontario, we currently have 98% of the population using masks in a public space. I don't understand how that's a problem at all. My town thinks it’s all a hoax and compares mask-wearing to Jews being tattooed Yeah, doesn’t help that in my town in Florida cops don’t care about masks unless absolutely necessary. Had one guy who worked for forensics tell me “we play with dead things, I don’t need to wear a mask”  Buy it: Happy Santa French Bulldog Merry Christmas Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Run Premium Santa Daschund Merry Christmas Shirt

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 Appreciate the great civil discussion  Premium Santa Daschund Merry Christmas Shirt I see about whether mandates are enforceable or not. Either way, I just want to say please wear your mask. I’m a nurse and I promise everything isn’t about mortality rate. You will PROBABLY survive, however, the after-effects can mess up your daily life something fierce for example not even being able to ambulate in your own house without pausing for breath. Also, vaccines are most helpful if everyone that can get them does, so please get it when it eventually comes out! Where I am stores refuse service or straight kick you out if you refuse a mask. It's effective since ppl still need to buy.  Buy it: Premium Santa Daschund Merry Christmas Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

View What Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Merry Christmas Quarantine Shirt

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 The problem is enforcement  What Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Merry Christmas Quarantine Shirt you can mandate masks but people aren't going to listen. My town did a mask made with no enforcement and no one cares. It's simple - the duty of mask police falls on the 17-year-old working the cashier at Walgreens. The town I’m currently working in had a sheriff come out and say that he was not going to enforce the governor’s mask mandate(North Carolina). As long as we have cops all of a sudden now deciding which laws people can and can’t break, you’re right it’s the pointless town I’m currently working in had a sheriff come out and say that he was not going to enforce the governor’s mask mandate(North Carolina). As long as we have cops all of a sudden now deciding which laws people can and can’t break, you’re right it’s pointless.  Buy it: What Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Merry Christmas Quarantine Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Ir New Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Quarantine Merry Christmas Shirt

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 At this point y’all so  New Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Quarantine Merry Christmas Shirt far deep that it will take a complete country lockdown enforced by the federal government. Which we know isn’t gonna happen. Had a dude tell my cashier (whose uncle died from convinced) that it's not real and that the uncle died from something else and the doctors lied about it. Help me reach these people Edit: I don't know how anymore. Yeah, but people wear masks wrong and they are nothing more than chin diapers. If this was a South Park episode, people would say it was too far-fetched to be relatable. We've always been in a South Park episode, but yeah, now more than ever.  Buy it: New Reindeer Face Mask 2020 Quarantine Merry Christmas Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Vine Official Santa Claus Face Mask Glasses 2020 Shirt

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 Register to vote or check your  Official Santa Claus Face Mask Glasses 2020 Shirt registration status here. Plan your vote. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Buy it Official Santa Claus Face Mask Glasses 2020 Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Many Things Gnomies 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Christmas Shirt

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 Frankly, I'm expecting a massive  Things Gnomies 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Christmas Shirt cleansing of Trump supporters and the shit they've posted across all social media. Reddit, YouTube, Twitter, Facebook, they're going to be tripping over themselves to clean the toxic waste off their sites the moment it wouldn't be seen as a political bias to do so. Facebook specifically will crackdown on misinformation like crazy. All to avoid the regulations that are (hopefully) coming from the new admin. Zuckerberg went in so hard for Trump to get special treatment, and it's about to backfire in spectacular fashion. Not to mention, advertisers will suddenly start having an issue with all this vile shit they've been making money off of for 5 years.  Buy it: Things Gnomies 2020 You’ll Go Down In History Christmas Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Happy Right Freddie Mercury Open Your Eyes Look Up To The Skies And See Shirt

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 If Trump is over in Russia  Right Freddie Mercury Open Your Eyes Look Up To The Skies And See Shirt  pouting off because Biden won, those sanctions will be restored and probably then some. If Trump is shown to have been the cause for actual terrorism in the US, you can imagine it ramping up even more. Trump's an asshole and no one likes him, what happens to him when he starts costing his host billions and can only offer diminishing influence in return? As a former president, it's insane how much top secret stuff Trump would be willing to dump out to Putin if he would benefit from it. That is, if Trump had half a working brain and can recall details they would be interested in Buy it: Right Freddie Mercury Open Your Eyes Look Up To The Skies And See Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Well May Every Great Auntie Says The F Word Floral Shirt

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 I’ve been thinking  May Every Great Auntie Says The F Word Floral Shirt about what the breaking point would be for his cult in their support of him. I would expect him absconding to finally convince a small part of his fanbase that he’s a loser - the rest will probably just say he was right to flee because of the “witch-hunt by the left”. I'm not actually so sure he can flee to Russia. Think of it this way, one of the things that got us in this mess was that Putin was extremely pissed because the Obama State Department led by Clinton put in place a series of sanctions that hit Putin's wallet personally, along with other oligarchs.  Buy it: May Every Great Auntie Says The F Word Floral Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Cool Rock Paper Scissors Thoat Punch I Win Blue Cat Shirt

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 He's definitely floating this  Cool Rock Paper Scissors Thoat Punch I Win Blue Cat Shirt as his escape route. He knows he's going to lose the election and, while he might think that the Supreme Court will corrupt the results for him, I wonder if someone has quietly told him that won't happen. Perhaps he's finally found the limits of GOP complicity (or, rather, they've found the chance to be rid of him and pretend they were never his sycophantic enablers in the first place).Guaran-fucking-tee he flees. He can't help but spill everything out of his anus mouth, and this comment certainly suggests he and his spawn have been discussing it. Probably still a few billion more somehow first. It will be fun watching his cult defending his flight, though.  Buy it: Cool Rock Paper Scissors Thoat Punch I Win Blue Cat Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES

Frist Tall Eagle Duty Honor Country US Shirt

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 Register to vote or check your  Tall Eagle Duty Honor Country US Shirt registration status here. Plan your vote: Early voting. Mail-in voting. As a reminder, this subreddit is for civil discussion. In general, be courteous to others. Debate/discuss/argue the merits of ideas, don't attack people. Personal insults, shill or troll accusations, hate speech, any advocating or wishing death/physical harm, and other rule violations can result in a permanent ban. If you see comments in violation of our rules, please report them. For those who have questions regarding any media outlets being posted on this subreddit, please click here to review our details as to our approved domains list and outlet criteria. Buy it: Tall Eagle Duty Honor Country US Shirt HOME:  WEATHERTEES  

Have Hi Nice Cat Salem Sanctuary For Wayward Cats Ferals And Familiars Welcome Est 1692 Shirt

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Right. I think its debatable if the fetus   Hi Nice Cat Salem Sanctuary For Wayward Cats Ferals And Familiars Welcome Est 1692 Shirt is alive if you could take the fetus out of the womb and have it survive on machines. That probably only be done after a certain stage of growth though. If looking at it scientifically I think the classifications for "life" work on entire species which is why someone on a ventilator is still alive because their bodily functions have ceased and they are a human and humans are alive. But then it just turns into when is the fetus a human vs an organism that depends on its host like a parasite. More nuance in the debate than people gives it credit for I think.  Buy it:  Hi Nice Cat Salem Sanctuary For Wayward Cats Ferals And Familiars Welcome Est 1692 Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Hameful Tune I Am A Mom And A Nurse Nothing Scares Me Shirt

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 Right but just the fact that they  Tune I Am A Mom And A Nurse Nothing Scares Me Shirt is "assisted" disqualifies them from being "alive". At least from a scientific point of view. If something cannot survive without a host they are not alive. Look at viruses for example. Or any parasite that depends on the host for survival. You cant take life away from something that never had it in the first place. I think the issue is that we can agree someone being assisted to breathe with medical equipment is still biologically alive, so people argue that there is no difference between using the womb to keep a fetus alive and using medical equipment to keep someone that is losing respiratory function alive. I don’t agree with this, FYI. I think this is just what people argue.  Buy it: Tune I Am A Mom And A Nurse Nothing Scares Me Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Very Funny Unicorns Since You Know It All You Should Also Know When To Shut Up Shirt

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 I think it obvious a person can  Very Funny Unicorns Since You Know It All You Should Also Know When To Shut Up Shirt waive a right to this by requesting a DNR/DNI, just like they can waive a right to voting by not voting or not registering to vote. Also, I think saying it is unconstitutional that a person who can breathe unassisted is being denied this right is different than mandating that every person be assisted in breathing that they couldn’t do so. That last sentence is a little confusing, but I think it makes sense? Let me know if it doesn’t. Umm, I think the originalist legal argument could be summed up as.  Buy it: Very Funny Unicorns Since You Know It All You Should Also Know When To Shut Up Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

The They Is This Thing On Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Shirt

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 I think it obvious a person can waive  They Is This Thing On Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Shirt a right to this by requesting a DNR/DNI, just like they can waive a right to voting by not voting or not registering to vote. Also, I think saying it is unconstitutional that a person who can breathe unassisted is being denied this right is different than mandating that every person be assisted in breathing that they couldn’t do so. That last sentence is a little confusing, but I think it makes sense? Let me know if it doesn’t. I agree with the concept of what you’ve said, but would that mandate assist breathing? I’m thinking of people who choose to have a DNI/DNR.  Buy it: They Is This Thing On Trump Presidential Debate 2020 Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt  

Hot Sun I’m Norwegian Ya Sure You Betcha Minnesota Shirt

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 Under qualified immunity doctrine, an official Sun I’m Norwegian Ya Sure You Betcha Minnesota Shirt  is immune unless the right they violated was "clearly established," usually meaning there is a statute or case law describing THIS EXACT SITUATION (read VERY strictly) saying you can't do that. The 7th Circuit had never before specifically said "Handcuffing an out-of-breath arrestee's hands behind his back violates the 4/5/8/14/etc. Amendment," so the right was not "clearly established," so the officer is immune. It's the correct ruling under the doctrine. It's just that the doctrine sucks donkey balls. I wrote a 50-page paper over 1983 suits and Bivens actions for law school, and it was shocking how many plaintiffs lose what I saw as easy cases because of qualified immunity. The doctrine needs to be abolished by legislation, immediately.  Buy it: Sun I’m Norwegian Ya Sure You Betcha Minnesota Shirt Home :   Girl-Shirt – CusTom – T-Shirt